Nha Trang
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VISA RUN FOR ALL COUNTRIES 45+90, Laos & Cambodia 

Our team helps extend Your stay in Vietnam for both 45 and 90 days with E-Visa processing for the 3rd year and now not only for citizens of the Russian Federation :)

Hurry up to book VISA RUN for yourself and your loved ones🔥

🌟Vip Sleepbus on new buses with sleeping places

TOP service in Nha Trang

+ adult and children's scooters for the border - FREE!🛴

+ MOVIES and CARTOONS in Your capsule🍿

+ food order on the bus (pancakes with mango + chocolate) 🥞

+ USB and Type-C charging ports

+ visaran's first aid kit (earplugs, tape, pens for filling out forms)


1,250,000 VND

Each bus has budget seats for 1,100,000 VND / 500,000 VND

Early booking 20 days in advance or booking of 3 seats = discount of 50 Vnd

“Bring a friend” and both get food on visa run as a gift🫵

✔️ Citizens of the Russian Federation ✔️Belarus✔️Kazakhstan✔️All countries

ВИЗАРАН ДЛЯ ВСЕХ СТРАН 45+90, Лаос & Камбоджа 

Наша команда помогает продлить Ваше нахождение во Вьетнаме как на 45 так и на 90 дней с оформлением E-Visa уже 3-ий год и теперь не только гр РФ :)

Успей забронировать VISARUN себе и своим близким🔥

🌟Vip Sleepbus на new автобусах с лежачими местами

TOП сервис в Нячанге

+ взрослые и детские самокаты для границы - БЕСПЛАТНО!🛴

+ ФИЛЬМЫ и МУЛЬТИКИ в Вашей капсуле🍿

+ заказ питания в автобус (блины манго + шоколад ) 🥞

+ разъемы для зарядок USB и Type-C

+ аптечка визаранщика (беруши, скотч, ручки для заполнения анкет)


1.250.000 VND

В каждом автобусе есть бюджетные места за 1.100.000 VND/ 500.000 VND

Ранняя бронь за 20 дней или бронь от 3х мест = скидка 50 Vnd

«Приведи друга» и оба получите питание на визаране в подарок🫵

✔️ Граждане РФ ✔️РБ✔️КЗ✔️Все страны

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On the site since February 2025
Last Activity: February 2025
E-Visa Application
Price upon request
e-Visa to Vietnam for 90 dayson time!⠀We arrange urgent and standard visa issuance to Vietnam for 90 days.The visa is processed remotely on the official website of the immigration service on an urgent
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2 700 000 đ
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Nha Trang - Cambodia for a 45-day stamp
1 100 000 đ
VISARAN FOR ALL COUNTRIES Our team helps extend your stay in Vietnam for both 45 and 90 days with E-Visa processing for the 3rd year now, not only for citizens of the Russian Federation :)Grab your VI
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VISARAN FOR ALL COUNTRIES Our team helps extend Your stay in Vietnam for both 45 and 90 days with E-Visa processing for the 3rd year now, not only for citizens of the Russian Federation :)Hurry to boo
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3 350 000 đ
VISARAN FOR ALL COUNTRIES 45+90, Laos & Cambodia Our team helps extend Your stay in Vietnam for both 45 and 90 days with E-Visa processing for the 3rd year and now not only for citizens of the Russian
Nha Trang - Laos for a stamp for 45 days
1 250 000 đ
Vip Sleepbus on new buses with sleeping placesTOP service in Nha Trang+ adult and children's scooters for the border - FREE!🛴+ MOVIES and CARTOONS in Your capsule🍿+ food order on the bus (pancakes man
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Tiếng Việt